A grassroots, collaborative approach to equity practice, transformation, and restoration.
A grassroots, collaborative approach to equity practice, transformation, and restoration.
A grassroots, collaborative approach to equity practice, transformation, and restoration. A grassroots, collaborative approach to equity practice, transformation, and restoration.
Implicit Bias Training #1 - Implicit Bias Thinkshop
An interactive training that utilizes a combination of brief presentations, exercises, and facilitated, full-group discussions. The intent is for participants to deepen their knowledge and understanding of inclusivity and implicit bias in the broader employment market at this moment in time, within their organization, and in their own individual work. The Focus of this workshop is to improve overall employee engagement and performance by maximizing inclusion and minimizing implicit bias in the workplace.
Implicit Bias Training #2 - Allies + Accomplices
An interactive training that encourages transparent discussion about the historical biases built into the design/building industry and what is required to dismantle these systems and move forward toward advocacy and allyship.
Implicit Bias Training #3 - Practicing Undoing + Dismantling
An interactive, high-participation session that encourages self-reflection and accountability around individual bias and bias norms reflected in the culture of our workplace. The intent is for participants to explore the impact of their personal beliefs and actions, societal and industry culture, and various pathways to developing an equitable and inclusive mindset.
Diversity In Hiring Course
This course will outline the challenges of BIPOC entering professional industries, practical solutions to conduct inclusive outreach and benchmarks that must be reached in order to create and maintain corporate culture where those from marginalized communities can thrive. This course is specifically geared toward those in leadership, decision makers, and human resource professionals.
Implicit Bias Training - Understanding, Dismantling, Building Beyond (4-hour participatory workshop)
The 6 Objectives for the 4-hour training:
Foundational Understanding
Identifying our individual/internal beliefs
Acceptance and commitment to change
The role we can play Committing to the journey
Creating a future where Equity thrives